All chicks are professionally sexed FEMALE and vaccinated for Marek’s and Coccidiosis. For details of our Rooster Reassurance policy, please see the Chick FAQ section of the website.
Pickup Available BY APPOINTMENT ONLY- updated 3/24/25- we are currently sold out of chicks.
Preorders: Please note all preorders must be picked up ON THE WK LISTED at which time they will be between 1 and 2 WEEKS OLD. We do not have space to reserve older pullets.
Minimum order is 3 chicks per hatch date.
Available the wk of 6/11- White Rock**, Blue Andalusian^
Available the wk of 6/18- Salmon Faverolle ^ (This batch is Mareks but NOT coccidiosis vaccinated)
Available the wk of 7/23- Speckled Sussex, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red
Chick prices:
- Under 2 weeks $10 each
- 2 to 3 weeks $13 each (When available)
**Breeds are $3 extra per bird due to rarity.
^Breeds are $5 extra per bird due to rarity.
Please see our Chick FAQ tab for info on feed, pickups and rooster reassurance.
FEED- We offer Stone House Grain Organic Chick Starter , Grower and Layer Feeds for $40 per 50 lb. bag. Starter feed also available in 10 and 25 lbs bags at chick pickup.
To ask questions, please email kassie@the4fivefarm.com
PLEASE NOTE- chicks up to 6 weeks old may need an external heat source depending on weather, season and shelter type.
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